Delivery & Tracking

Once you’ve successfully placed your order, you’ll receive
• A purchase confirmation from your payments provider
• An order confirmation from us
Within 5 Business Days, you'll to receive a shipping confirmation once your order is ready to be sent to you. You could find the order tracking number in order details or shipping confirm notification email / SMS.
How to use your order tracking number?
Note: Please check your email and text messages inbox to see if you have already received your tracking number, which is usually sent to you after 5 days of issuing your order confirmation.
If your tracking number does not return any tracking information, it may be for the following reasons:
• The delivery carrier has not yet received your package.
• The delivery carrier has not submitted your tracking information.
• The order number you submitted is incorrect or invalid.
• The order number you submitted has expired.
Each carrier usually takes some time to process your order information before the tracking information is updated. If you are unable to locate the shipment, you may need to contact the carrier for additional information. Therefore, the tracking information may not be immediately queried after the package is shipped. If you are not online or unable to find it, you can contact the carrier for confirmation or check it later.
I just placed an order. Why don’t I have my tracking number immediately?
Once we receive your order, the information is received by the logistics wing, who then process your order and put together your order items to send to you, and then forwards the items to the shipping company, which then generates your relevant tracking number. Since this process involves multiple steps of coordination between internal and external parties, it doesn’t happen instantly.
Dispatch and delivery time
Your order will be shipped using the service you select.
Currently, we offer shipping via major logistics providers.
• We process all orders during our main service hours are:
Monday to Friday, 1:00am—10:00 am CET.
• Standard delivery times across regions are:
North America. Within 7 days.
Note: note all refer to post-dispatch delivery periods. Please note that the orders may be required to go-through overseas transportation and customs clearance. Please be patient.
Working process
There may be exceptions to the delivery times presented here, depending on your location. Even major logistics providers do not have full coverage and need to hire subcontractors at times to handle their deliveries.
Shipping costs
Our logistics partners are major international door-to-door courier services that guarantee fast and safe deliveries. On behalf of our customers, we’ve settled very affordable worldwide shipping costs from our warehouses around the world, and thus able to offer a subsidized worldwide flat shipping rate for standard deliveries.